ACE Coaching and Teacher Training Services LTD is a quality provider of a wide range of Sports Coaching and Teacher Training Courses.
In schools our goal is to raise the profile and quality of PE provision in schools. Through quality provision and staff/student training we are assisting schools and all staff to incorporate a holistic approach to teaching and out of school hours care, that allows children to develop key core physical skills alongside core skills required within the Literacy and Numeracy Framework.
Our exciting parties allow children and adults to experience fun challenging and exciting activities. Everything is taken care of including venue, equipment and even food if required.
For all businesses we have a comprehensive range of Corporate Events offering management and employees the chance to bond and have fun as part of a challenging and unique sporting event.
No matter what the size of business small or multi-national we arrange everything including venue and equipment and can even bring the party to you if that works best.
As a result the company is split into 3 distinct areas:-
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©2014 Copyright Ace Coaching. Website by: Delwedd